Our reward for a hard day of work on our motorbikes. No not the movie, but Sander's favorite dish (consisting of chicken wings, spareribs and ribeye) at rib and steakhouse the Longhorn in Oirschot. Whenever we are in the neighborhood we try to dine over there. This sort of a tradition started somewhere in Sander's DDC years.
And boy were we hungry after servicing Marianne's motorcycle.
The day started at 6.30 a.m. and at about 9 o'clock we were already working on the motorcycle, after a two hour drive. First we drained the oil, removed the tank and upper airbox to give access to the sparkplugs and valves. We checked the valve clearance and replaced the sparkplugs as they were pretty black. It turned out that the airfilter also hadn't been replaced and the wrong oil filter was installed. So much for the service the bike was supposed to be given after we bought it.
Next we worked from the rear to the front of the bike. Sander did a failed attempt to remove the rear tire by hand. But even the automated tire changer had problems getting the wrong tire (that was fitted to Marianne's bike) from the rim. After the wheel was re-installed, the chain tension was adjusted and brake calipers cleaned. A centerstand was installed as the bike failed one. The original footpegs got replaced by Pivot Pegz. The steering (ball) bearings were replaced by conical ones. Something that is recommended, but in this case was also necessary. A new front tire was fitted. And finally the carburetors were synchronised.
So that's quite a lot we did on just one day, and still the bike isn't finished. And although we had a great lunch with soup and some tasty rolls, it had made us very hungry. However NOT hungry enough to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly it turned out. :P
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